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Florence County School District 2

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Assessments and Testing




Florence School District Two will administer the following district-wide assessments:

iREADY (Administered to students in 4K -- Grade 8)

In order to meet students' individual needs, the South Carolina Department of Education required the administration of the following statewide assessments/measures: 

MTSS Screeners

Multilingual Learner Identification Screeners (WIDA Screener)

 pre-kindergarten-readiness-assessments:  Grade 4K

Kindergarten Readiness Assessment (KRA):  Grade 5K

Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) and Iowa Assessments (IA):  Grade 2

Performance Task Assessments (PTA):  Grade 2 -- Grade 5

PSAT:  Grade 10

ACT and SAT:  Grade 11

South Carolina Career Readiness Test:  Grade 11 and Grade 12 are eligible to test

In addition, the following federally-required assessments and related accountability requirements will also be administered:

SC READY:  Grade 3 -- Grade 8

End-of-Course Examination Program (EOCEP):  Algebra 1, Biology 1, USHC, English 2, and English 1 (English 1 administered to specific students as needed for accountability)

English Learner Proficiency Exams (ACCESS for ELLs)

All corresponding alternate assessments based on alternate achievement standards


First page of the PDF file: FlorenceCountySchoolDistrictTwo23-24AssessmentScheduleUpdated2824